Argentina | Costa Rica | Hong Kong | Netherlands | Saudi Arabia |
Aruba | Croatia | Hungary | New Zealand | Singapore |
Australia | Czech Republic | India | Nicaragua | Slovakia |
Austria | . | Indonesia | Nigeria | Slovenia |
Barbados | Denmark | Iran | North Korea | South Africa |
Belgium | Dominican Republic | Ireland | Norway | South Korea |
Bolivia | Ecuador | Israel | Panama | Spain |
Brazil | El Salvador | Italy | Peru | Sri Lanka |
Britain | Estonia | Japan | Philippines | Sweden |
Brunei | Finland | Jordan | Poland | Switzerland |
Bulgaria | France | Malaysia | Portugal | Taiwan |
Burkina Faso | French Polynesia | Mauritius | Puerto Rico | Thailand |
Canada | Germany | Mexico | Romania | Turkey |
Chile | Greece | Myanmar | Russia | United Arab Emirates |
China | Hawaii | Nepal | Sao Tome and Principe | United States |
Colombia | Guatemala |
New Caledonia |
Senegal, Sudan |
Uruguay |
Caicos, Egypt |
Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, |
Luxembourg, Lebanon | Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay | Sudan, Vietnam |
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